Tunisia 2014. Citroen is market leader

Citroen was market leader in Tunisia

In 2014 Citroen was market leader in Tunisia pushing sales at the best all time, despite the collapse of the former leader, Renault, down 30% from the previous year.

In 2014, according to data released by local sources, total light passenger vehicles sales in Tunisia had been 53.491, up 11.5% from the previous year.

As far as we know, last year was the best ever for the New Vehicle market in Tunisia, hitting the previous record scored in the 2012.

This was also the first time for the market above 50.000 units.

This is the only market in the World were the leader is Citroen!

The French brand registered 6.261 units last year (+17.2%) with a market share of 11.7%, gaining to spots from 2013.

Second was the Volkswagen with 5.016 sales (-5.4%) followed by Peugeot with 4.981 (-6.9%) and the former leader, Renault, collapsed by 30.5% at 4.638 units.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models


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