Sweden 2021. Ford Overperforms Impressively (+62.1%) In Market Recovering 3.2% This Year

Sweden car market
The 2022 Ford Mustang Shelby GT500

Sweden Auto market in 2021 rises by 3.2% with 301,008 sales, reporting a very strong first half, followed by a double-digit fall in the second part of the year. Ford reports the best performance by far, rising a huge 62.1%.

Market Trend

The Swedish car market this year attempted to recover from the pandemic crash of 2020 and reported a very promising performance in the first half, followed by another double-digit fall.

The Swedish car market decreased sales in 2020, but much less compared to other countries in the area. In fact, unlike most European countries – during the Coronavirus outbreak – in 2020 the Swedish Government has not imposed lockdown measures, leaving the public to follow a series of recommendations. Nevertheless, the cases in the country started growing exponentially again in October, reaching record highs every week in November and December.

Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2020 have been 291,669, reporting a decline of 18.1% compared to 2019.

In 2021 the year started positively for the Swedish market, in fact, in Q1 90,870 units have been sold, reporting a 37.4% increase in sales compared to Q1 2020, and in Q2 sales kept growing in double-digits, reporting a 38.2% increase in sales with 82,295 units due to the very low volumes in Q2 2020.

In Q3 sales started falling in double-digits, losing 23% sales with 59,220 units, and kept falling 22.9% in Q4 with 68,623 units.

Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 301,008, reporting a 3.2% increase compared to 2019.

Sweden quarterly sales variation
Sweden quarterly sales variation

Brand-wise, this year the leader Volvo (-8.5%) lost 2.1% market share, followed by Volkswagen (-11.5%), which lost 2.1% share as well. Kia on the other hand gained 1.3% share, rising 18.6%.  Toyota remained in 4th place and rose 5.3%, followed by Mercedes which lost 7.9%.

BMW -up 1 spot- lost 7.5%, followed by Audi which reported the worst performance in the leaderboard (-16.5%) and Skoda which remained in 8th position and lost 10.8% sales. Closing the leaderboard we have Peugeot gaining 10.3% this year and Ford entering the leaderboard by jumping 3 spots, rising a huge 62.1%.

For the second time in history the entire podium of most sold vehicles was held by Volvo. In fact, the Volvo S/V60 (-19.7%) has been the most sold vehicle this year with 14,916 units sold, followed by the Volvo XC40 -up 10 spot- which gained 18.9% registering 12,242 new sales this year. The Volvo XC60 (-2.8%) closes the podium and reports 11,942 new units sold.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group, and top 10 Models.

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