In 2014 the car market in Morocco rose 1%.

car market in Morocco

In 2014 the car market in Morocco rose 1% with Dacia dominating the market with over 27% of market share and four models on top of best-selling list. Toyota was the fastest growing brand.

In December 2014 according to data released by A.I.V.A.M. the Association of Vehicles Importers, total new Light Passenger Vehicles sold in Morocco have been 10.646 up 1.5% compared with the correspondent month last year.

Full Year 2014 sales in Morocco have been 122.081, just up 0.7% from 2013.

In the last year Morocco become a producer of cars thanks to the building of a plant by Renault that produce for local market and for export.

In 2014 the total vehicles produced by Renault (under the brand Renault or Dacia) had been 227.500, down 20% due to the interruption of Kangoo production. Over 202.000 units had been exported.

As far as the domestic market, the Renault Group is dominating with over 39% of market share. However, while the low cost brand Dacia is gaining, Renault is losing.

Dacia consolidated its position as market leader selling 33.732 units last year with market share at 27.4%.

Second was Renault that recovered after a real collapse registered in the first half. Full Year sales were 13.917, down 16.4%.

Third was Ford with 11.194 sales (+8.6%) ahead of Fiat with 9.040 sales (+29.3%), fueled by commercial vehicles, and Peugeot with 8.901 sales (-8.1%).

The fastest growing brand was Toyota with sales up 34.1% thanks to the success of last generation Corolla, imported by Turkey.

As far as best-selling models ranking, the Dacia Logan was again on top with 10.655 sales (-0.5%), followed by the Dacia Dokker with 7.064 units (+3.0%) and Dacia Sandero with 6.736 (+0.1%). In fourth place there was another Dacia, the Duster, followed by the Renault Clio.

Below, you can sort our interactive tables to see data regarding Brands, Groups and Models. Please bear in mind that sales data are subject to adjustments as sources will update their information. This report is updated at the publishing date and will not be modified while the next on this subject will always have the year to date data updated.

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Please consider to purchase the recently published research on this country featuring the recent performance by segment, brand and models Morocco Car Market Insights.

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