El Salvador 2021. Market Grows Quickly (+65%), While Chevrolet Chases The Market Throne
El Salvador's auto market in 2021 rises by 65% with 10,132 sales, reporting positive performance all year. Leader Toyota consolidates its position with rising market share and sales (+84.4%).
Martinique 2021. Vehicle Market Rises 18.8%, While Peugeot Conquers The Market Throne
Martinique's auto market in 2021 rises by 18.8% with 15,709 sales, reporting positive performance in Q1 and Q3. Peugeot overtakes the leader Renault, and rises 28.7%.
Jamaica 2021. Vehicle Market Keeps Growing (+2%) While Toyota Keeps Over 30% Share
Jamaica's auto market in 2021 rises by 2.2% with 7,768 sales, reporting positive performance in Q2 and Q3. Leader Toyota keeps over 30% share despite its underperformance.
Bermuda 2021. Renault Is The Best Performer In Market Up 54.5%
Bermuda's auto market in 2021 rises by 54.5% with 1,735 sales, reporting positive performance all year. Renault reaches third place and reports the best performance on the leaderboard, gaining 115.4%.
Cuba 2021. Kia Keeps Chasing Peugeot’s Leadership In Market Rising 41.6%
Cuba's auto market in 2021 rises by 41.6% with 2,209 sales, reporting positive performance all year except for Q4. Peugeot remains the market leader, while Kia chases the throne.
Costa Rica 2021. Sales Keep Rising Every Quarter, Market Up 16.9%
Costa Rica's auto market in 2021 rises by 16.9% with 27,140 sales, reporting an increasingly better performance quarter after quarter. Toyota remains the undiscussed leader, gaining 10.1% with 23.9% share.
Dominican Republic 2021. Vehicle Market Grows (+35.5%) All Year Except Q4
Dominican Republic's auto market in 2021 rises by 35.5% with 18,043 sales, reporting positive performance in all quarters except Q4. The top 3 brands hold over 53% market share, and grow effectively.
Panama 2021. Suzuki Gains The Leadership In A Fast Recovering Auto Market
Martinique 2020. Peugeot challenges Renault’s leadership in market down 26.2%
Martinique vehicles market falls due to the global pandemic affecting sales. Indeed, Full Year 2020 sales have been 13.223, down 26.2% compared to 2019. The former leader Peugeot is catching up quickly to Renault, challenging its leadership.
Guadeloupe 2020. Renault keeps gaining share in market down 25.2%
Guadeloupe vehicles market falls due to the global pandemic affecting sales. Indeed, Full Year 2020 sales have been 14.366, down 25.2% compared to 2019. The leader Renault keeps gaining share and reaches 25.8%.