Laos Autos Market Report 2010-2025
Laos Automotive Report 2010-2025 features historical data and insights plus professional forecast on new vehicles sales by type, manufacturer, brand and model providing an easy-to-use picture of current and future competitive landscape.
Laos 2019. Auto industry recovers after three lost
Laos vehicles sales in the 2019 the market is finally moderately recovering with sales at 21.078 units, up 7.7%. The car passenger segment, which count 31% of the total light vehicles market, declined 7.2%, but this lost was more than balanced by the growth of the LCVs (mainly pickups) Toyota holds the crown with 37.5% of share, followed by Daehan, which is recovering from the previous years' decline.
Laos 2018. Sales down again but 2019-2025 Outlook shines
Lao vehicles sales were negative again in the 2018 as in the previous three years, mainly due to the fall of HCVs and the over 50% sales lost by the local producer, Daeham. Toyota dominates with over 40% of market share. The 2019-2025 outlook is positive.
Laos 2017. Auto sales pushed the brake
Laos Vehicles Market in the 2017 lost in double-digit. Following the too fast development of the last five years, the consumer demand declined and the domestic brand, Daeham, started struggling. Toyota is again market leader with share over 20%.
Laos 2016. Market at record again although the harsh second half
Laos Auto Market 2016 hit again a new all time record despite the slowdown reported in the second half of the year. Launching the first pickup of its history, local maker Daeham led the market, ahead of Toyota.
Laos 2015. Market accelerates driven by commercial vehicles
Laos Vehicles Market in 2015 took off driven by demand for commercial vehicles. The new brand Daehan was the best seller thanks to a local made low-cost line-up specialized in CVs. Toyota Hilux was the best model.
Laos 2014. Vehicles market is booming
Laos Car Market boomed in the 2014 thanks to the new limits and duties at the pre-owned vehicles import. In the second half of the year, grey market collapsed focusing demand on ne vehicles. Toyota and Hyundai fight for leadership.