Hong Kong Vehicles Market in 2015 hits the 6th all time record in a...
Hong Kong Vehicles Market in 2015 hits the 6th all time record in a row ending with a fourth quarter up 7%. Fueled by improved pro capita income and renewal fleet program the market scored a unique in the world series.
Japan Automotive Industry celebrates 2014 as the best year in eight.
Japan Automotive Industry celebrates 2014 as the best year in eight after that December ended positively with over 430.000 sales breaking a negative series of 7 months. Toyota fell with no one model on podium.
Pakistan Auto Market Data & Report
Pakistan Auto Market is tracked with the last decade sales figures by all brands and models. You can have access to an Excel Dataset or to a Market Report, including next year's forecast.
Taiwan 2023. Vehicle Market Increase (+11.4%) Sustained By 11 Month Positive Streak
Pakistan 2020. Leader Suzuki halves sales (-47.1%) in market down 33.6%
Pakistani vehicles market in 2020 falls by 33.6% as the pandemic and lockdowns affect sales. Full-Year sales have been 127.939, while the leader Suzuki lost 10.4% market share, dropping 47.1%.
Japan 2021. Best selling cars ranking
Japan best-selling cars in 2021 reports the Toyota Yaris on top, overtaking the previous leader, the Honda N-Box. The Toyota Roomy reports an incredible performance and lands in 3rd place, while the Nissan Note and Nissan Roox enter the leaderboard.
Taiwan 2021. Best selling cars ranking
Taiwan Best Selling Cars ranking in 2021 reports a the Toyota Rav4 holding the throne with 5.3% market share. Meanwhile, the Toyota Corolla Cross rises in second position, jumping 12 spots.
China 2023. BYD Takes the Vehicle Market Leadership But Best-Selling Model Is Tesla Y
Taiwan 2020. Best selling cars ranking
Taiwan Best Selling Cars ranking in 2020 reports a new leader after decades of Toyota Corolla domination. In fact, the Toyota Rav4 takes the throne with 7.5% market share. Meanwhile, the Mitsubishi Fuso enters the leaderboard, jumping 26 spots to reach 10th position.
Taiwan 2021. CMC Keeps Outperforming A Market Down 1.1%
Taiwan's car market in 2021 falls by 1.1% with 449,859 sales, reporting a very strong Q1, but reported a drop in sales all other quarters. CMC reports the best performance this year, gaining 114.8%, while Mitsubishi drops 55.2%.