Sweden Best selling vehicles in 2015. The Top 100 models.
Sweden Best selling vehicles in 2015 dominated by Volvo and Volkswagen. The Volvo V70 again on top of the list with a safe margin over the Volkswagen Golf. Subaru Outback was the best new model ranking in 40th.
Sweden 2021. Best selling cars ranking
Sweden Best selling cars in 2021 keeps reporting a big dominance of Volvo, holding all three top positions. Volvo S/V60 remains the leader with 5.1% of market share, followed by the XC40 and the XC60. Impressive performance by the Volkswagen ID.4, reaching 7th place.
Sweden 2020. Volvo holds the entire podium in market down 18.1%
Swedish auto market in 2020 falls by 18.1% as the pandemic affects sales significantly. Full-Year sales have been 291.669. For the first time in history, Volvo holds the entire podium of most sold vehicles..
Sweden Best selling cars. The Top 100 in the 2018
Sweden Best selling cars in 2018 has a new leader, the Volvo V/S90 which gained a huge advantage on all followers. Huge steps ahead scored by the Nissan Qashqai and the Kia Niro - up 60% - joining the Top10.
Sweden Auto Market Report 2018-2028
Sweden Auto Report 2018-2028 features historical data, market insights plus professional forecast on new vehicles sales by type, manufacturer, brand, and model providing an easy-to-use picture of the competitive landscape and its evolution.
Sweden 2018. Bonus/malus system depressed the car demand
Swedish Auto Market in 2018 fell 6.7% with 353.647 sales, interrupting the growth of previous years, with a negative second half of the year, due to bonus/malus system and WLTP introduction. The new market leader is the Volvo S/V90.
Sweden best selling cars. The Top in the 2019
Sweden 2021. Ford Overperforms Impressively (+62.1%) In Market Recovering 3.2% This Year
Sweden Auto market in 2021 rises by 3.2% with 301,008 sales, reporting a very strong first half, followed by a double-digit fall in the second part of the year. Ford reports the best performance by far, rising a huge 62.1%.
Sweden Best selling cars 2016. Volvo lost leadership after 54 years
Sweden Best selling cars 2016 was the Volkswagen Golf, first time for a non Volvo after 54 years. Indeed the event was due to the Volvo decision to disconnect sales of the former leader the V70.
Sweden 2015. New Car Passenger’s market hits the All time record
Sweden vehicle market in 2015 at new all time record slamming a double digit increase over the previous record. While Volvo and Volkswagen led sales, Nissan was the star of the year