Czech Republic 2021. Seat Impresses In Market Falling Progressively Deeper In The Second Half

Czech car market
The 2022 Honda Civic Sedan

Czech Republic’s Auto market in 2021 rises by 2% with 206,950 sales, reporting a very Q2, followed by a progressively dropping second-half of the year. Seat reports the best performance this year, gaining 46.2%.

Market Trend

The Czech Republic car market this year attempted to recover from the pandemic crash of 2020 and reported very strong growth in Q2, followed by a progressively deeper fall in the second half.

The market registered a constant growth in 2010-2017 when the market grew up from 167,000 to the current all-time record of 271,000 units, pushed by a booming economy and growing internal consumer demand. Then, the trend started to moderately decline, with 261,437 sales in 2018 and 249,915 in 2019.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic sales fell in  2020. In fact, sales have been 202,971, reporting a decline of 18.8% compared to 2019.

In 2021 the year started almost flat for the Czech market, in fact, in Q1 49,534 units have been sold, reporting a 1.3% decrease in sales compared to Q1 2020, while in Q2 sales started growing again, reporting a 41.1% increase.

In Q3 sales were falling in single-digits, dropping 8% with 49,019 units, and started falling in double-digits in Q4 with 45,124 (-17.4%).

Indeed, Full-Year sales for 2021 have been 206,950, reporting a 2% increase compared to 2020.

Czech Republic quarterly sales variation
Czech Republic quarterly sales variation

Brand-wise, the local leader Skoda (-5.1%) lost 2.4% market share, followed by Hyundai (+26%), which gained 1.9% share, overtaking Volkswagen which lost 0.1% share, gaining 0.3%.  Toyota remained in 4th place and grew 3.1%, followed by Kia -up 2 spots-  gaining 17.5%.

Mercedes -up 3 spots- gained 17.1%, followed by Peugeot (-9.6%) -down 1 spot- and Ford which rose 2 spots and rose 3.4% sales. Closing the leaderboard we have Dacia -down 4 spots- reporting the worst performance in the leaderboard by dropping 30% and Seat entered the leaderboard, gained 46.2% this year.

The most sold vehicle this year is the Skoda Fabia (-3.3%) with 15,452 units, overtaking the Skoda Octavia, which lost 26.6% registering 14,007 new sales this year. The Skoda Kamiq (+40.5%) closes the podium by jumping 2 spots and reports 10,453 new units sold.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 models.

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