Hong Kong Automotive Industry ready to celebrate the new record.

Hong Kong Automotive Industry

Hong Kong Automotive Industry ready to celebrate the new record fueled by strong demand on premium brands. November was astonishing for Ford that doubled sales while the leader, Toyota, has lost 7 points of share.

In November 2014 according to data released by the Hong Kong Department of Transport (HKDT), total new Light Passengers Vehicles sold in Hong Kong have been 3.919, down 2.3% compared with the correspondent month last year and breaking a positive Y.o.Y. series of 8 months.

Year-to-date November sales in Hong Kong have been 47.375, up 7.4% from the correspondent period last year.

In November the leader, Toyota, have lost 7.4 points of share from the previous month landing at 21.6% with 845 sales.

The second, Mercedes, sold 490 vehicles and 12.5% of share, losing 3.5% from the correspondent month year while the third, BMW, fell 15.0% at 417 units.

Remarkable monthly performances were scored by Isuzu (4th with 341 units, +77.9%), Hino (10th with 119 units, +102.6%) and Ford (11th with 104 units, +128.6%).

Looking at the recently introduced report on Car Groups, the leader was Toyota with 28.2 % of market share, ahead of a growing BMW and Daimler with 12.5%.

As far as model ranking report, the September podium confirmed the year to date order with Toyota Hiace on top with 213 sales (+17.0%) ahead of Toyota Noah with 132 units and Mercedes E Class with 102.

Below, you can sort our interactive tables to see data regarding Brands, Groups and Models. Please bear in mind that sales data are subject to adjustments as sources will update their information. This report is updated at the publishing date and will not be modified while the next on this subject will always have the year to date data updated.

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Please consider to purchase the recently published research on this country featuring the recent performance by segment, brand and models Hong Kong Car Market Insights at €599.

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