Indonesia 2021. Best selling cars ranking

Indonesia best
The Mitsubishi Outlander Sport

Indonesia’s best-selling car in 2021 is the Toyota Avanza, followed by the Mitsubishi Fuso and the Mitsubishi Xpander. The previous leader Honda Brio drops in 7th place.

In 2021 the Toyota Avanza regains leadership, reaching 7.1% of market share with 62,741 units sold.

In second place we have the Mitsubishi Fuso -up 5 spots- with 6.2% share and 54,851 sales, followed by the Mitsubishi Xpander -up 3 spots-, which is now at 6.2% market share with 54,644 units sold.

The Toyota Rush remained in 4th position with 5.9% share and 52,553 units sold, ahead of the Suzuki Carry Pick Up -down 3 spots- with 52,220 units sold (5.9% share) and the Toyota Kijang -down 1 spot- with 49,745 units (5.6% share).

In 7th position we find the previous leader the Honda Brio -down 6 spots- with 46,235 units (5.2% share) followed by the Daihatsu Gran Max PU with 39,254 units (4.4% share).

Closing the leaderboard we have the Daihatsu Sigra -up 1 spot- with 37,093 units sold (4.2% share) and the Toyota Calya -down 1 spot- with 36,062 units sold (4.1% share). 

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for the top 50 Models


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