Kazakhstan 2019. Lada held the throne in a double-digits growing market

Kazakhstan Vehicles Market

Kazakhstan Vehicles Market in 2019 kept recovering hitting the third consecutive growing year. Indeed, Total sales in 2019 have been 72.357, up 24.4% from the previous year. Lada, Hyundai and Toyota fought for market leadership and together controlled 60% of the market. However, the Russian brand held the market crown with 21.2%.

Economic Environment

Kazakhstan economy appears to have closed last year on a high note, after growth edged up in the third quarter. The short-term economic activity indicator—a proxy for GDP—grew at a quicker pace in Q4, on the back of upbeat industrial production, particularly in the manufacturing sector, and robust construction activity. Moreover, sturdier retail sales growth in the quarter hint that household spending remained resilient.
On the downside, falling merchandise exports in October and November indicate that challenging conditions in the external sector persisted in Q4.


Market Trend

Following and supporting the rapid economic development, the automotive industry born in early days of this century, was one of the fastest growing in the World in the decade ended in the 2013. In that year sales at 163.537 units scored the tenth annual all time record in a row.

The growth was too fast and when the C.I.S. region entered in recession due to the collateral effect of ONU sanctions to Russia, the market dropped down, with price increased, additional tax on the sector and negative consumer demand.

Performing worse than any expectations, the domestic market dropped down for three consecutive years, losing near 70% of record volume and landing at 46.327 units at the end of the 2016.

Finally, as reported by the Kazakhstan Auto Association, a new positive pathway was taken in the 2017, this time with moderation and sales increased at 49.037 in the 2017 and at 58.465 in the 2018, recovering 24.4%.

The recovery continued in 2019 when all months have been reported year-on-year growths. Indeed, Total sales in 2019 have been 72.357, up 24.4% from the previous year.

While only few years ago the Russian Autovaz (Lada) was holding the half of the market, nowadays the competitive arena is opened to several brands. Lada was still leading in 2019, but market share was at 21.2%, with two challengers, Hyundai at 20.5% and Toyota at 19.6% very aggressive.

Other fast-growing brands this year were Ravon, Skoda and Renault.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for all Brands, top 10 Manufacturers Group and top 10 Models.

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