Taiwan 2019. Best selling cars ranking

Taiwan Best Selling Cars

Taiwan Best Selling Cars ranking in 2019 was close to reporting a new leader after decades of Toyota Corolla dominion. However, despite the sedan was at the lowest market share in this decade, the Toyota RAV4 ended again in 2nd position, but at the best share ever.

The Taiwanese new vehicles market is dominated by Toyota and the most representative model of the Japanese brand and best-selling model in the World, the Toyota Corolla, is the market leader in the country since 30 years. However, reading the Corolla performance in the last decade, it is clear as the heavy dominion in the market is steady declining, with the market share fallen down from a peak of 11.4% in the 2014 at 6.7% in the 2018, confirmed in the 2019.

While the Corolla is at the lowest share in years, the second model, the Toyota Rav4 is in good shape, while not at the highest peak (reached in the 2016/2017 with 5.4% of share) having ended the 2018 at 4.5%. However, in the 2019 sales have boomed and the Japanese SUV ended at the record share of 7.3%, challenging the leadership until the last months.

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for the top 100 Models

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