World Best Selling Cars Ranking 2020. The Nissan Sylphy shines (+14.9%) and jumps 7 spots

World car market

World Car Market in 2020 final data sees the Toyota Corolla on top of the best selling cars ranking, ahead of the Toyota RAV4 and the Honda CR-V. The Nissan Sylphy jumped in 7th place, gaining 14.9% from 2019. 

In the Global best-selling cars ranking in 2020, we see the Toyota Corolla leading the scene with 1.097.556 sales, down 10.5% from the previous year. Behind, the Toyota RAV4, one of the only 3 models to report growth in the leaderboard, with sales at 995.762 (+4.5%).

Closing the podium, we find the Honda CR-V -up 1 spot- with 736.980 units sold (-9.2%), overtaking the Honda Civic with 687.704 (-15.8%) and the Toyota Camry -up 1 spot- with 609.303 (-12.9%).

The 6th position is taken by the Volkswagen Tiguandown 1 spot – with 596.898 sales (-19.6%), followed by the growing Nissan Sylphy -up 7 spots- with 546.631, reporting the biggest growth in the leaderboard (+14.9%) and the Volkswagen Golf  -down 1 spot- with 475.205 (-30.4%).

At the edge of the ranking, we have the Toyota Yaris entering the leaderboard with 458.578 units (+18%) and the Honda Accord with 451.261 units (-15.5%).

Tables with sales figures

In the tables below we report sales for the Top 100 models.

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